
pgrouting: Geospatial Routing

pgRouting is PostgreSQL and PostGIS extension adding geospatial routing functionality.

The core functionality of pgRouting is a set of path finding algorithms including:

  • All Pairs Shortest Path, Johnson’s Algorithm
  • All Pairs Shortest Path, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
  • Shortest Path A*
  • Bi-directional Dijkstra Shortest Path
  • Bi-directional A* Shortest Path
  • Shortest Path Dijkstra
  • Driving Distance
  • K-Shortest Path, Multiple Alternative Paths
  • K-Dijkstra, One to Many Shortest Path
  • Traveling Sales Person
  • Turn Restriction Shortest Path (TRSP)

Enable the extension


As an example, we'll solve the traveling salesperson problem using the pgRouting's pgr_TSPeuclidean function from some PostGIS coordinates.

A summary of the traveling salesperson problem is, given a set of city coordinates, solve for a path that goes through each city and minimizes the total distance traveled.

First we populate a table with some X, Y coordinates

create table wi29 (
id bigint,
x float,
y float,
geom geometry
insert into wi29 (id, x, y)

Next we use the pgr_TSPeuclidean function to find the best path.

pgr_TSPeuclidean($$select * from wi29$$)

seq | node | cost | agg_cost
1 | 1 | 0 | 0
2 | 2 | 74.535614157127 | 74.535614157127
3 | 6 | 900.617093380362 | 975.152707537489
4 | 10 | 2113.77757765045 | 3088.93028518793
5 | 11 | 106.718669615254 | 3195.64895480319
6 | 12 | 1411.95293791574 | 4607.60189271893
7 | 13 | 1314.23824873744 | 5921.84014145637
8 | 14 | 1321.76283931305 | 7243.60298076942
9 | 17 | 1202.91366735569 | 8446.5166481251
10 | 18 | 683.333268292684 | 9129.84991641779
11 | 15 | 1108.05137466134 | 10237.9012910791
12 | 19 | 772.082339448903 | 11009.983630528
13 | 22 | 697.666150054665 | 11707.6497805827
14 | 23 | 220.141999627513 | 11927.7917802102
15 | 21 | 197.926372783442 | 12125.7181529937
16 | 29 | 440.456596290771 | 12566.1747492844
17 | 28 | 592.939989005405 | 13159.1147382898
18 | 26 | 648.288376333318 | 13807.4031146231
19 | 20 | 509.901951359278 | 14317.3050659824
20 | 25 | 1330.83095428717 | 15648.1360202696
21 | 27 | 74.535658878487 | 15722.6716791481
22 | 24 | 559.016994374947 | 16281.688673523
23 | 16 | 1243.87392358622 | 17525.5625971092
24 | 9 | 4088.0585364911 | 21613.6211336004
25 | 7 | 650.85409697993 | 22264.4752305803
26 | 3 | 891.004385199336 | 23155.4796157796
27 | 4 | 1172.36699411442 | 24327.846609894
28 | 8 | 994.708187806297 | 25322.5547977003
29 | 5 | 1188.01888359478 | 26510.5736812951
30 | 1 | 2266.91173136004 | 28777.4854126552
