
pg_stat_monitor: Query Performance Monitoring

pg_stat_monitor is query performance monitoring tool that provides query execution statistics in a SQL view named pg_stat_monitor. It tracks a superset of statistics available in pg_stat_statements. Some of the most useful features are:

  • Time Interval Grouping: configurable time buckets to track query usage over time
  • Capture Parameters: optionally track parameters passed into queries instead of generic placeholders e.g. $1
  • Query Plan: store query plans used for execution

For more information on query optimization, check out the query performance guide.

Enable the extension


select * from extensions.pg_stat_monitor;

The following table shows a subset of available columns:

Column TypeDescription
bucket bigintData collection unit. The number shows what bucket in a chain a record belongs to
bucket_start_time timestampzThe start time of the bucket
userid oid (references pg_authid.oid)OID of user who executed the statement
dbid oid (references pg_database.oid)OID of database in which the statement was executed
toplevel boolTrue if the query was executed as a top-level statement (always true if pg_stat_statements.track is set to top)
client_ip inetThe IP address of a client that ran the query
queryid bigintHash code to identify identical normalized queries.
planid textAn internally generated ID of a query plan
query_plan textThe sequence of steps used to execute a query. This parameter is only available when pgsm_enable_query_plan is enabled
query textText of a representative statement
plans bigintNumber of times the statement was planned (if pg_stat_statements.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
total_plan_time double precisionTotal time spent planning the statement, in milliseconds (if pg_stat_statements.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)
min_plan_time double precisionMinimum time spent planning the statement, in milliseconds (if pg_stat_statements.track_planning is enabled, otherwise zero)

A full list of statistics is available in the pg_stat_monitor docs.

