Getting Started

Use Supabase with RedwoodJS

Learn how to create a Supabase project, add some sample data to your database using Prisma migration and seeds, and query the data from a RedwoodJS app.


Setup your new Supabase Project

Create a new project in the Supabase Dashboard.

New project for redwoodjs


Gather Database Connection Strings

Go to the database settings page. In this quickstart, we are going to connect via the connection pooler. If your network supports IPv6, you can connect to the database directly without using the connection pooler.

We will use the pooler both in Transaction and Session mode. Transaction mode is used for application queries and Session mode is used for running migrations with Prisma.

To do this, set the connection mode to Transaction in the database settings page and copy the connection string and append ?pgbouncer=true&&connection_limit=1. pgbouncer=true disables Prisma from generating prepared statements. This is required since our connection pooler does not support prepared statements in transaction mode yet. The connection_limit=1 parameter is only required if you are using Prisma from a serverless environment. This is the Transaction mode connection string.

To get the Session mode connection pooler string, change the port of the connection string from the dashboard to 5432.

You will need the Transaction mode connection string and the Session mode connection string to setup environment variables in Step 5.

pooled connection for redwoodjs


Create a RedwoodJS app

Create a RedwoodJS app with TypeScript.


yarn create redwood-app my-app --ts


Open your RedwoodJS app in VS Code

You'll develop your app, manage database migrations, and run your app in VS Code.


cd my-app
code .


Configure Environment Variables

In your .env file, add the following environment variables for your database connection:

  • The DIRECT_URL should use the Transaction mode connection string you copied in Step 1.

  • The DATABASE_URL should use the Session mode connection string you copied in Step 1.


# Transaction mode connection string used for migrations
# Session mode connection string — used by Prisma Client


Update your Prisma Schema

By default, RedwoodJS ships with a SQLite database, but we want to use PostgreSQL.

Update your Prisma schema file api/db/schema.prisma to use your Supabase PostgreSQL database connection environment variables you setup in Step 5.


datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
directUrl = env("DIRECT_URL")


Create the Country model and apply a schema migration

Create the Country model in api/db/schema.prisma and then run yarn rw prisma migrate dev from your terminal to apply the migration.


model Country {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String @unique


Update seed script

Let's seed the database with a few countries.

Update the file scripts/seeds.ts to contain the following code:


import type { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
import { db } from 'api/src/lib/db'
export default async () => {
try {
const data: Prisma.CountryCreateArgs['data'][] = [
{ name: 'United States' },
{ name: 'Canada' },
{ name: 'Mexico' },
console.log('Seeding countries ...')
const countries = await{ data })
console.log('Done.', countries)
} catch (error) {


Seed your database

Run the seed database command to populate the Country table with the countries you just created.


yarn rw prisma db seed


Scaffold the Country UI

Now, we'll use RedwoodJS generators to scaffold a CRUD UI for the Country model.


yarn rw g scaffold country


Start the app

Start the app via yarn rw dev. A browser will open to the RedwoodJS Splash page.

RedwoodJS Splash Page


View Countries UI

Click on /countries to visit http://localhost:8910/countries where should see the list of countries.

You may now edit, delete, and add new countries using the scaffolded UI.

RedwoodJS Splash Page